3D Animations
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What is 3D Animations?

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Understanding the Fundamentals of Translate-, Rotate- & Scale Channels

In 3D animations many things are run these foundational matrix channels known as translate, rotate and scale. While in various cases of 2D animations this same method is implemented, but the difference is that in full 3D motion it is necessary to have deep knowledge how to blend these channels in such way they don’t cause unwanted tearing when run trough a playback.
Dopesheet, Curves Graph & Time Editor

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Motion Paths & Ghosting

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From Pose-to-Pose

The use of pose sheets can be helpful way to create the precisely desired motion for the character or an object. This method can work also other way around when creating an animation first then dissecting it into the key pose moments will reveal things that need to be iterated or adjusted more to fulfill high quality standards.
Baking & Optimization

When the source 3D animations have been created and added into the reels that contain sets of motions, then animation baking and optimization becomes an essential workflow. In example one animation reel can contain 100 individual clips and in order to reduce much as possible useless keydata, analyzing the frame ranges and their usage in different situations is necessary to give the final polish to the animation reel file.

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