
Animations is one of the main focuses on Lohkar3 Arts, but it is also one of the most time consuming processes that requires patience and iteration cycles to polish the motions for desired objects. On this page you can get a quick glance of the different animation fields Lohkar3 Arts is capable to provide. Also animations showcase is currently in creation process.

2D Animations

Techniques of the 2D Animations are the fundamentals of all animations and the history of these concepts goes back to the beginning of the 20th century. While the tools have been modernized with the digital era even they try to imitate all the same methods in order to produce the motion within series of pictures. There are various benefits even today to create the classic frame-by-frame animations especially when it comes to stylized motions and aspects. The interpolation method with recorded keyframes to translate the objects has also various benefits to work dynamically and without the requirements of many steps along the production pipeline, but is often limited to a single perspective.

3D Animations

3D Animations have become quite standard way in modern era to create animation projects from the cartoons to the high end cinematic productions. Even many classic animated series have incorporated techniques of the 3D Animations to produce their shows more dynamically, even though at first glance they would appear to be created in traditional two-dimensional workflows. This is due to fact that 3D rendering is capable to produce the similar cartoon visual where depth is removed from the final images, but all the shapes are formed in three dimensional way to keep the accurate volume when creating motion paths for the shape.

3D Rigging & Controllers

3D Rigging and Controllers becomes essential to produce once you want to go further complexity in 3D motions. In simple way to understand this concept is to think it like the anatomy of the object. Where the character or object is dissected into anatomical components and then chain of various joints and controllers are created in order to produce the ‘skeleton’ or ‘rig’ that will drive the final object into motions. Even in specific cases of 2D motions the object rigging can become essential part to produce, but generally in rigging field it is far more easier to downgrade into two-dimensional anatomy than into three-dimensional anatomy.

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