Visual Effects (VFX)

Visual Effects or ‘VFX’ is best described as a simulation of materialization or dematerialization (destruction) even though it contains even more topics under it. This is often called dynamics meaning the opposite of static concepts, but without good context the word dynamics can leave most people confused what it really means. Example one might think video is not a ‘static image’ but from the technical perspective it is actually a ‘static file’ and then the special effects are added on top of it in order to produce the final version of the video clip.
Creating VFX simulations is highly appreciated talent in the graphics industries since this often requires combination of good understanding visualization and light programming in order to produce the most aesthetically pleasing results. Lohkar3 Arts has a good understanding of this field and is proficient to create or modify various custom visual effects in any project. However the high-end VFX rendering can still require several computers to split the rendering time into decent chunks and while there are some workaround of this roadblock, it is currently something Lohkar3 Arts is not capable to do due to fact of being small studio.

Game Engines VFX

On this section the focus is directed on creating the visual effects within the game engines such as Unity. Gameplay VFX can be pre-recorded, simulated or combination of both, but generally the simulation is lightweight in game engines due to reasons of desire for smooth processing. The more visually demanding effects can be created as a part of the overall rendering pipeline processes within a specific project, but the certain topics when it comes to VFX even here are always drawn from standard fundamentals related to the materialization type of the element. Example smoke is always slowly rising towards the sky, fire and lightning are light emitting phenomenon and so on.

VFX Frame Sequence Rendering

This topic focuses on the pre-recording process of a VFX simulation that can be applied into either game projects or cinematic/video projects. The effect is created with set of a source tools and then sent to the target project in order to create the desired visual effect.

Video Editing & Optimization

While many people are capable to do small editing with video files these days, there are still dozens of things to take into account when approaching this subject from professional perspective. Good editor knows how to cut clips in coherent way and find ways to keep the overall feeling of the clip in smooth motion. These small things can make a major difference between talented editing and casual editing, also keeping the consistency with visual effects in the clip is somewhat essential to give the polished touch before finalization.

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