3D Modeling: Characters & Objects

What is 3D Character or Object Modeling?

3D character and object modeling is typically in the bounds of forming a shape to entity that is considered to be an single shape. Even though the shape would be formed of many pieces, all the pieces are connected to a root node of the object itself.
Character Modeling

Character modeling is one of the modeling workflows that can become extremely complicated field and typically because of this, it is considered to be it’s own profession even. First steps in character modeling are usually rooted into the turnaround blueprints/sketches of a character that is targeted for the modeling and the second steps are adding the topological details into the character.
Object Modeling

Object modeling is relatively similar to character modeling, with the exception of course usually the object is a shape that is not considered to be a ‘character.’ The complexity of the object can vary easily from simple shapes to extremely complex surfaces that could require multiple layers of blueprints and design in order to produce the final shapes.

Sculpting is the more artistic workflow to create the 3D object and provides wide range of freedom to mold the shapes into the smallest details. While a single sculpted 3D model can be considered ‘work of art’ on it’s own, there are still more steps required when converting that shape into other softwares.
Asset Sets

3D asset sets are effective way to get good desired optimization for multiple objects at the same time, especially when sharing UV regions for textures. However this topic is often not necessary when creating just a single object for general models.

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